Exams With Ease Training (add-on)


A training for parents who want to help their teenagers to feel more confident and resourced to start preparing for their exams

Because Self Belief + Active Revision Strategies = Exam Success

Exams With Ease has been carefully structured to introduce you to some of the tools and strategies I use with my clients to help them understand and transcend their self-doubt. I cover how to help your teens to see where their self-doubt comes from, and how to rewrite these narratives. I share with you how I work with young people to set goals that are exciting as well as achievable, and how to plan the necessary steps they need to take to get there.

This is where I will teach you specific revision tools and strategies that your teen can start using straightaway. This includes how to break down larger tasks into small and manageable chunks, how to create a revision timetable that allows plenty of time for their hobbies and extracurricular activities, and simple revision tools that will help them to retain information they need to know for their exams. 

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A training for parents who want to help their teenagers to feel more confident and resourced to start preparing for their exams

Because Self Belief + Active Revision Strategies = Exam Success

Exams With Ease has been carefully structured to introduce you to some of the tools and strategies I use with my clients to help them understand and transcend their self-doubt. I cover how to help your teens to see where their self-doubt comes from, and how to rewrite these narratives. I share with you how I work with young people to set goals that are exciting as well as achievable, and how to plan the necessary steps they need to take to get there.

This is where I will teach you specific revision tools and strategies that your teen can start using straightaway. This includes how to break down larger tasks into small and manageable chunks, how to create a revision timetable that allows plenty of time for their hobbies and extracurricular activities, and simple revision tools that will help them to retain information they need to know for their exams. 

A training for parents who want to help their teenagers to feel more confident and resourced to start preparing for their exams

Because Self Belief + Active Revision Strategies = Exam Success

Exams With Ease has been carefully structured to introduce you to some of the tools and strategies I use with my clients to help them understand and transcend their self-doubt. I cover how to help your teens to see where their self-doubt comes from, and how to rewrite these narratives. I share with you how I work with young people to set goals that are exciting as well as achievable, and how to plan the necessary steps they need to take to get there.

This is where I will teach you specific revision tools and strategies that your teen can start using straightaway. This includes how to break down larger tasks into small and manageable chunks, how to create a revision timetable that allows plenty of time for their hobbies and extracurricular activities, and simple revision tools that will help them to retain information they need to know for their exams. 

This workshop is going to help to take you


  • Feeling worried that your teens’ self-doubt is standing in their way of achieving their potential in their exams

  • Feeling frustrated that you don’t have the knowledge and resources to help teach your teen how to revise 

  • Feeling like you’ve failed because everything you tried to do to boost their confidence just isn’t working


  • Getting really clear on why your teens’ confidence is depleted and start to uncover all the reasons why they are holding themselves back when it comes to preparing for exams

  • Feeling empowered and confident that you know which revision strategies and tools are going to work for your teen, and excited to help them get started

  • Feeling better equipped to manage their self- doubt by having a toolbox full of strategies you can start using straight away to grow their self- belief, giving them the confidence to take steps towards achieving their exam goals!


  • Providing you with simple and effective revision strategies so that you can teach your teen to use straight away-even if you have no knowledge of the subjects they are studying for.

  • Guiding you as a parent on self belief tools so that you can support and nurture your teen’s self-esteem, helping them to feel confident and ready to cope with the demands of Exam Season. 

  • Learning how to get to the root cause of your teens self-doubt, supporting them to rewrite their unhelpful narratives and plan with them the steps they need to take to reach their goals. 

By the end of this session you will be given: 

  • an introduction to Self-Belief Coaching for teenagers

  • resources that can help teenagers find the root cause of their self-doubt and ways to heal it, with a specific focus on their relationship with exams and assessments

  • a toolkit full of revision strategies that are simple and effective