Exam Season is a stressful time for teens

It is no secret that taking public exams is a stressful time for teenagers. Their teachers are telling them they need to revise, and you worry that you are not seeing enough of this happening at home. After everything they have been through these past couple of years, you want them to do well in their exams more than ever. Whilst you know that GCSE and A Level results are not always the be-all and end-all, you also know that your teen will be crushed if they don’t get the results they are hoping for next August. 

But they are not taking any action. 

They are not revising, and they are panicking about the whole exam process. 

You know you need to help them, but you also have no idea where to start.

Kickstart Your Revision & Master Your Mindset 

a 1:1 Power Hour for students taking exams

I’m Maria and over the past 17 years I have… 

  • Worked as an English Teacher in various secondary schools in London and Dorset for over 13 years

  • Coached and mentored dozens of teenagers to help them build their self-esteem and find their place in the world

  • Worked 1:1 with many GCSE and A Level students to get them exam ready

If all they had to do was revise, then it would be so easy…

The more work I do helping young people to prepare for exams the more I see how valuable it is to look back on their experiences of tests and assessments in the past. Their early experiences shape so much of what they believe they are capable of in the here and now. 

The foundational work I do to get clients exam ready is about talking through those experiences, questioning and reframing the beliefs that were formed. When teenagers see that their current beliefs around taking exams make so much sense based on their past experiences, it is much easier to create a study timetable and implement revision strategies that actually work. This is because they are given the opportunity to heal and move on from those past experiences. 

This is such an important part of the process of preparing for exams because if kids don’t have the self-belief and are unable to trust themselves then revising just becomes so hard. That is when we start to see the self-sabotage, the procrastination, the closed mindset, the horrendous mood swings. Quality revision is almost impossible when kids feel this way. 

Working on developing their self-belief is a vital part of exam preparation. Having that in place makes the studying part so much easier.


“Just wanted to say a huge thank you for last night. He was shaking the whole time we were on the call but I think you definitely gave him something to think about with his self belief. And he was so positive after with having your study plan and techniques to work with. A3 paper, post it’s, flash cards and pens are all ready for him coming home from school and he’s actually excited to get started! What a breakthrough! His brother is also curious as to why he is so excited so study so plan to show him the video. And hopefully he put’s it into practice too. Can’t thank you enough.’’

— Suzanne mum of A, aged 15 

‘Master your mindset, Kickstart your revision’

brings together the mindset and the practical study strategies that I know work from years of experience preparing hundreds of secondary school students for exams. An hour with me will help your teenager to update their beliefs about their ability to do well, and get their study timetable and strategy up and running. They will leave the hour feeling confident in their ability and ready to get started with their revision.

Master your mindset, Kickstart your revision

is a carefully structured Power Hour where we will tackle the mindset blocks that are getting in your teen’s way and challenging their self-belief. I will give them the practical strategies and tools they will need to get them started with effective revision that actually works. 

In the hour we will:

  1. Look back on past experiences of exams and tests and see where their limiting beliefs have formed. I will share tools that will help them to heal and reframe those beliefs so that they are no longer barriers that stand in their way of achieving their goals

  2. Set some achievable and exciting goals that your teen will feel fired up and excited about

  3. I will share my effective and strategic way of planning, organising and executing revision that will help your teen get rid of their overwhelm, enabling them to focus on studying and working towards getting the grades they deserve.

This Power Hour is going to help to take your teenager…

  • From…

    • Feeling panic and fear about studying for exams

    • Feeling self -doubt around what they are capable of

    • Feeling overwhelmed about all the different subjects they need to learn

    • Feeling they don’t know how to revise

    • Feeling frightened about failure

  • teens

    Teen years can feel overwhelming, with school pressures, friendships, and self-doubt holding them back. My coaching helps teens trust themselves, take action, and feel excited about their potential, both in and out of the classroom.


“Thank you SO SO much!! She really enjoyed the session and loved talking to you and said to me she feels a lot better about it all and will definitely be trying the strategies you mentioned. It was amazing to hear she really opened up to you too - she can be a pretty closed book at times! :) So great to have some fresh ideas and really tailored towards her too! A big confidence boost -thank you’’

— Suzanne mum of A, aged 15 

‘Master your mindset, Kickstart your revision’

  • The Power Hour slots are available most Tuesdays and Thursdays until the Christmas holidays

  • The Power Hours will be hosted on Zoom

  • You are welcome to join the session too!

  • I will also send out the recording for you to watch again, and any additional materials and links discussed in the session.

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